Module: GladeGUI
- Included in:
- VR::Col::BlobCol, VR::Col::CalendarCol, VR::Col::ImageCol, VR::ObjectInspector::ObjectInspectorGUI
- Defined in:
- lib/GladeGUI.rb
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#builder ⇒ Gtk::Builder
The builder that holds references to everything in the glade form.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#buttonCancel__clicked(*a) ⇒ Object
Convenience method so you can just make a button named “buttonCancel” and it will work.
#extract_key(widget) ⇒ String
retrieves the key inside a glade control name.
- #get_glade_active_record(obj) ⇒ Object
#get_glade_all(obj = self) ⇒ Object
This method is the most useful method to retreive values from a glade form.
#get_glade_variables(obj = self) ⇒ Object
Populates your instance variables from the glade form.
#load_glade ⇒ Object
This will Load the glade form according to the naming convention: MyClass.rb =>
#parse_signals ⇒ Object
Connects gtk’s signals to your methods according to the naming convention widget__signal.
#set_drag_drop(hash) ⇒ Object
drag_to() will make it so you can drag-n-drop the source_widget onto the target widget.
#set_glade_active_record(obj = self) ⇒ Object
Populates the glade form from the fields of an ActiveRecord object.
#set_glade_all(obj = self) ⇒ Object
This method is the most useful method to populate a glade form.
#set_glade_hash(hash) ⇒ Object
Matches names in glade form to keys in a Hash.
#set_glade_variables(obj = self) ⇒ Object
Populates the glade form from the instance variables of the class.
#show_glade(parent = nil) ⇒ Object
The method you call to show the glade form.
- #try_to_select_text_in_combobox(cb, text) ⇒ Object
#window1__destroy(*args) ⇒ Object
Called when window is destroyed when you execute:
It manages the Gtk.main loop for all the windows.
Instance Attribute Details
#builder ⇒ Gtk::Builder
Returns The builder that holds references to everything in the glade form.
89 90 91 |
# File 'lib/GladeGUI.rb', line 89 def builder @builder end |
Instance Method Details
#buttonCancel__clicked(*a) ⇒ Object
Convenience method so you can just make a button named “buttonCancel” and it will work. This method isn’t called in code, its triggered by a user clicking a button named “buttonCancel”.
417 418 419 |
# File 'lib/GladeGUI.rb', line 417 def (*a) @builder[:window1].close end |
#extract_key(widget) ⇒ String
retrieves the key inside a glade control name. Useful when handling events where the control name is returned, and you need to match it to an actual hash.
440 441 442 |
# File 'lib/GladeGUI.rb', line 440 def extract_key() .builder_name.scan(/\[(.+?)\]/).flatten[0] end |
#get_glade_active_record(obj) ⇒ Object
467 468 469 470 471 472 473 |
# File 'lib/GladeGUI.rb', line 467 def get_glade_active_record(obj) return if not defined? obj.attributes obj.attributes.each_pair do |key, val| new_val = get_control_value(key, obj) obj.send("#{key}=", new_val) unless new_val.nil? end end |
#get_glade_all(obj = self) ⇒ Object
This method is the most useful method to retreive values from a glade form. It will
populate from active_record fields and instance variables. It will simply
call both of these methods:
So, to retreive all the values of a form back into your ActiveRecord object and instance variables, simply call the set_glade_all() method instead.
213 214 215 216 |
# File 'lib/GladeGUI.rb', line 213 def get_glade_all(obj = self) get_glade_active_record(obj) get_glade_variables(obj) end |
#get_glade_variables(obj = self) ⇒ Object
Populates your instance variables from the glade form. This works for Gtk:Button, Gtk::Entry, Gtk::Label and Gtk::Checkbutton. So instead of having to assign instance variable:
You can write one line of code:
The optional parameter is seldom used because you usually want the glade form to populate from the calling class. If you passed another object, the form would populate from it.
322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 |
# File 'lib/GladeGUI.rb', line 322 def get_glade_variables(obj = self) obj.instance_variables.each do |var_name| next if var_name == :@builder # or var_name == :@top_level_window var = obj.instance_variable_get(var_name) var_name = var_name.to_s.gsub("@", "") #fix for ruby 1.9 giving symbols if var.is_a? Hash var.each_pair do |key, val| if glade_value = get_control_value("#{var_name}[#{key.to_s}]", obj) var[key] = glade_value end end obj.instance_variable_set("@"+ var_name, var) elsif var.is_a? Array var.each_index do |i| if glade_value = get_control_value("#{var_name}[#{i.to_s}]", obj) var[i] = glade_value end end obj.instance_variable_set("@"+ var_name, var) else glade_value = get_control_value(var_name, obj) obj.instance_variable_set("@"+ var_name, glade_value) unless glade_value.nil? end end end |
#load_glade ⇒ Object
This will Load the glade form according to the naming convention:
MyClass.rb =>
It will create a Gtk::Builder object from your glade file. The Gtk::Builder object is stored in the instance variable, @builder. You can get a reference to any of the widgets on the glade form by using the @builder object:
name_entry_box = @builder["ui_name_ent"]
@builder["ui_name_ent"].text = "This will show in the window!"
Normally, you should give your widgets names of instance variables: i.e. @email so they can be autoloaded when the glade form is shown using the #show_glade method. For example, the value of the @email vaiable would be loaded into a Gtk:Entry named “email” in your glade form. It saves you from having to do this:
@example: @builder.text = @email
134 135 136 137 138 139 |
# File 'lib/GladeGUI.rb', line 134 def load_glade() caller__FILE__ = my_class_file_path() file_name = File.join(File.split(caller__FILE__)[0] , "glade", my_class_name(self) + ".glade") @builder = file_name) @builder.connect_signals{ |handle| method(handle) } end |
#parse_signals ⇒ Object
Connects gtk’s signals to your methods according to the naming convention widget__signal. For example,
when you place a button called "button1" in your glade form, and declare a method called
"button1__clicked", they aren't connected to each other. Clicking on the button does nothing
and the method never gets called. After running parse_signals(), the "clicked" signal is
connected to the method named "button1__clicked" so when the user clicks the button, the method is called.
Remember that it will enforce the naming convention: name__signal (two underscores).
157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 |
# File 'lib/GladeGUI.rb', line 157 def parse_signals() meths = self.class.instance_methods().select { |m|"__") } meths.each do |meth| meth = meth.to_s #bug fix ruby 1.9 gives stmbol glade_name, signal_name = *(meth.split("__")) next if (signal_name.to_s == "" or glade_name.to_s == "") #covers nil # if @builder @builder.objects.each do |obj| next unless obj.respond_to?(:builder_name) if obj.builder_name == glade_name or obj.builder_name =~ /^(?:#{my_class_name(self)}\.|)#{glade_name}\[[a-zA-Z\d_-]+\]$/ #arrays obj.signal_connect(signal_name) { |*args| method(meth.to_sym).call(*args) } end # end end obj = glade_name == "self" ? self : self.instance_variable_get("@" + glade_name) obj ||= eval(glade_name) if respond_to?(glade_name) and method(glade_name.to_sym).arity == 0 # no arguments! if obj.respond_to?("signal_connect") obj.signal_connect(signal_name) { |*args| method(meth.to_sym).call(*args) } end end # now parse instance variables looking for "self__" instance_variables.each do |var| obj = self.instance_variable_get(var) meths = obj.class.instance_methods().select { |m|"self__") } meths.each do |meth| meth = meth.to_s signal_name = meth.split("__")[1] if obj.respond_to?("signal_connect") obj.signal_connect(signal_name) { |*args| obj.method(meth.to_sym).call(*args) } end end end end |
#set_drag_drop(hash) ⇒ Object
drag_to() will make it so you can drag-n-drop the source_widget onto the target widget.
You may pass a reference to a widget object, or a String that gives the name of the
widget on your glade form. So, it functions the same as this statement:
It also functions the same as this statement:
102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 |
# File 'lib/GladeGUI.rb', line 102 def set_drag_drop(hash) hash.each do |key,val| src = key.is_a?(Gtk::Widget) ? key : @builder[key] target = @builder[val] src.extend(VR::Draggable) unless src.is_a?(VR::Draggable) src.(target) end end |
#set_glade_active_record(obj = self) ⇒ Object
Populates the glade form from the fields of an ActiveRecord object. So instead of having to assign each widget a value: You can write one line of code: The optional parameter is seldom used because you usually want the glade form to populate from the calling class. If you passed another object, the form would populate from it.
462 463 464 465 |
# File 'lib/GladeGUI.rb', line 462 def set_glade_active_record(obj = self) return if not defined? obj.attributes obj.attributes.each_pair { |key, val| fill_control(my_class_name(obj) + "." + key, val) } end |
#set_glade_all(obj = self) ⇒ Object
This method is the most useful method to populate a glade form. It will
populate from active_record fields and instance variables. It will simply
call both of these methods:
So, to set all the values of a form, simply call the set_glade_all() method instead.
200 201 202 203 |
# File 'lib/GladeGUI.rb', line 200 def set_glade_all(obj = self) set_glade_active_record(obj) set_glade_variables(obj) end |
#set_glade_hash(hash) ⇒ Object
Matches names in glade form to keys in a Hash.
222 223 224 225 |
# File 'lib/GladeGUI.rb', line 222 def set_glade_hash(hash) return unless hash.is_a?(Hash) hash.each { |key,val| fill_control( key.to_s, val.to_s) } end |
#set_glade_variables(obj = self) ⇒ Object
Populates the glade form from the instance variables of the class. So instead of having to assign each widget a value:
@builder["name"].text = @name
@builder["address"].text = @address
@builder["email"].text = @eamil
@builder["phone"].text = @phone
you can write one line of code:
The optional parameter is seldom used because you usually want the glade form to populate from the calling class. If you passed another object, the form would populate from it.
obj - type Object
245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 |
# File 'lib/GladeGUI.rb', line 245 def set_glade_variables(obj = self) obj.instance_variables.each do |name| name = name.to_s #ruby 1.9 passes symbol! v = obj.instance_variable_get(name) name = name.gsub('@', '') if v.is_a?(Array) v.each_index do |i| fill_control("#{name}[#{i.to_s}]", v[i] ) end elsif v.is_a?(Hash) v.each_pair do |key, val| fill_control("#{name}[#{key.to_s}]", val) end else fill_control(name, v) end end end |
#show_glade(parent = nil) ⇒ Object
The method you call to show the glade form.
It loads the glade form, sets all the form’s widgets to your instance variables, connects all your methods to their signals, and starts Gtk.main loop if necessary.
386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 |
# File 'lib/GladeGUI.rb', line 386 def show_glade(parent = nil) load_glade() if @builder[:window1].nil? alert "Error: You need to name your window, 'window1' in glade. Edit glade file." return end # @builder[:window1].screen = parent.screen if parent then @builder[:window1].transient_for = parent.builder[:window1] end @builder[:window1].show_all before_show() if respond_to? :before_show parse_signals() set_glade_all() # @top_level_window = Gtk.main_level == 0 @builder.class.send(:attr_accessor, "top_level_window") @builder.top_level_window = Gtk.main_level == 0 # if Gtk.main_level == 0 # @builder[:window1].modal = true # end Gtk.main if @builder[:window1].modal? or @builder.top_level_window end |
#try_to_select_text_in_combobox(cb, text) ⇒ Object
289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 |
# File 'lib/GladeGUI.rb', line 289 def try_to_select_text_in_combobox(cb, text) i = 0 cb.model.each do |model, path, iter| if iter[0] == text = i return end i = i + 1 end end |
#window1__destroy(*args) ⇒ Object
Called when window is destroyed when you execute: @builder[:window1].destroy
It manages the Gtk.main loop for all the windows.
411 412 413 |
# File 'lib/GladeGUI.rb', line 411 def window1__destroy(*args) Gtk.main_quit if @builder["window1"].modal? or @builder.top_level_window end |